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"The Word" from – two complementary Bible verses for each day of the year

  • for your daily Bible reading: two verses complement each other
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Kalom, Shanba, 27 Aprel 2024

Iso Masih aytgan:

Men bilan aloqada bo‘linglar, shunda Men sizlar bilan aloqada bo‘laman. Tokka ulanmagan novda o‘z–o‘zidan hosil berolmaydi. Shu singari sizlar ham Men bilan aloqada bo‘lmasangizlar, hosil berolmaysizlar.

Injil, Yuhanno 15:4

Xudoning kalomiga itoat qilgan odamda Xudoning sevgisi o‘z mukammal ifodasini topgan. Mana shundan biz Xudo bilan birga ekanimizni bilsak bo‘ladi.

Injil, 1 Yuhanno 2:5

Injil, Yuhanno 15

3 Men sizga aytgan so‘zim orqali sizlar allaqachon tozalanib bo‘lgansizlar.
4 Men bilan aloqada bo‘linglar, shunda Men sizlar bilan aloqada bo‘laman. Tokka ulanmagan novda o‘z–o‘zidan hosil berolmaydi. Shu singari sizlar ham Men bilan aloqada bo‘lmasangizlar, hosil berolmaysizlar.
5 Men — tok, sizlar — novdasizlar. Agar Menda bo‘lsangizlar va Men sizlarda bo‘lsam, ko‘p hosil berasizlar. Mensiz hech narsa qilolmaysizlar.

Injil, 1 Yuhanno 2

4 Xudoni bilaman deb turib, Uning amrlariga rioya qilmagan esa yolg‘onchidir, unda haqiqat yo‘q.
5 Xudoning kalomiga itoat qilgan odamda esa Xudoning sevgisi o‘z mukammal ifodasini topgan. Mana shundan biz Xudo bilan birga ekanimizni bilsak bo‘ladi.
6 Men Xudo bilan birgaman, degan odam Iso Masih yashaganday yashashi kerak.

"The Word" from

  • two complementary Bible verses for each day of the year
  • nicely arranged on multiple lines for readability
  • on your smartphone, tablet or computer, as an e-book or screen saver
  • on your website
  • in more than 25 languages and Bible editions
  • free of cost
  • The Word is just a foretaste of the complete Bible, providing a daily impulse for a personal encounter with God.

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