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The Word 2016 in Urdu!

Thanks to Geolink Resource Consultants, The Word 2016 is available in Urdu! The text is in Arab script.

Some of our Apps and PC software (like iLosungen for iPhone, Logoskop for Windows, BiblePix for Linux) let you install the Urdu version directly in the software.

Example: in order to read The Word in Urdu on a Windows PC, download and install Logoskop from our Download and Online Services page, then download the Urdu text within Logoskop (under "Organize").

You can also view The Word in Urdu online on our site.

Recommended font from the UrduWeb Font Server: Manqoosh.

There is also an Android Bible App for the Urdu Geo Version Bible: Kitab i Muqaddas.

2016-03-30 • HSteeb • updated 2016-03-31