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Bible 2.0 Инжилнинг далили ўз оятларидадир Bible 2.0

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and a good start with God in the new year!

God uses His Word to talk to us in everyday situations. In 2014, the selected verses of The Word continued to bring even less well-known verses to the mind. 2014 also brought some new software (Apps for Android and iPhone...) and further Bible editions for The Word.

So far, The Word 2015 will be missing in the following Bible editions:

  • Almeida Revista E Atualizada (Portuguese)
  • Bibel Fuer Schwoba (Swabian)
  • Thai Holy Bible 1971

If you can join us to prepare the verses, please [write us](/page/contact/ title="contact")!

For the following Bible editions, work on The Word 2015 is ongoing. They should be available until end of 2014 or in January 2015:

  • An Biobla Naofa 1981 (Irish)
  • Bibelen (Danish)
  • Leonberger Bibel (German)
  • Modern Hebrew 2004
  • Ozbek tilidagi Muqaddas Kitob 2012
  • Zimbrisch (Cimbrian)

2014-12-24 • HSteeb • updated 2024-05-21